"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

August 25, 2012

Foodology Magazine

This was my final project for my Typography class and it was a ton of fun. We had to create 3 spreads (6 pages) for a magazine that circled around food, so naturally, I named it Foodology (if you know my other blogs, you'll understand :p).

I used images and text from several websites online to fill the pages but I actually selected the typeface, sizes, and colors of every single word. This was one of my first attempts at using Adobe InDesign and it was tricky at first, but once I followed the tutorials from the instructor's files, it got easier. It feels so professional and well put together, and I was extremely proud of it. My instructor still had pointers for me about kerning, lead, paragraph spacing and other technical terms, but all-in-all it was very well executed. Doesn't that just make you want to flip through the pages?

Let me know what you think!

Portfolio Cover

This is derived from my final project for my Portfolio class. We had to start laying out a design for our future brand and portfolio. I chose charcoal and aquamarine, with some white accents. I may alter this some more in the future. It is still in the drafting stages but I like the direction that it's taking. I am also playing around with a logo for my future design company, but that will stay under wraps until I copyright it... can't ever be too sure :p

Let me know what you think!

August 17, 2012

Big Brothers Big Sisters

I created three promotional posters for Big Brothers Big Sisters using Adobe Photoshop and images from the web. This was another exercise on collage and blending for my Portfolio I class.

Let me know what you think!

August 8, 2012

Who Am I? (version 2)

As it turns out, I needed 3 different collages for the previous assignment and I had only turned in one. Here is the entire thing now. This is all Photoshop and all from my own photos. The first is obviously about the most important person in my life: Hubby Hubbs! The second is about my love of art and design, and the third my obsess... uh.. deep love of entertainment (movies, music, books).

Let me know what you think :)

August 6, 2012

Who Am I?

Honestly, I couldn't be more grateful for the people I meet along the way... Thanks to them, I was able to complete this cool collage of things I like in a fun way using Photoshop. I now know how to use more than 2 tools, haha! Thank you so muuuuch!! (You know who you are =p).
I don't think I need to explain this too much, it wasn't really meant to be deep but to test our creativity. I had to combine at least 3 interests or hobbies into one collage. Once I learned how to use the tools, I had a great time :).

Let me know what you think!

August 5, 2012


These are other favorites created in Illustrator. They're part of a series we had to design to advertise an area of interest. I chose Boston and activities that people enjoy when they're here. I used the 3 that worked the best. For the first I used shapes and lines to show a skyline.

The second is for the sports which are a huge part of living here; even though I'm not as much into them as everyone else is. The logos are not exact because I drew them myself, but I think they're close enough. (Boston Celtics, Boston Bruins, New England Patriots and Boston Red Sox). In retrospect, I think I'm going to remove the red "B" and draw the actual socks that represent their Logo. The Patriot's logo is my pride and joy; it's not perfect but I love that I was able to capture the gray face :)

The third is also just shapes and lines for a cobblestone path reminiscent of some Boston streets, and also because anytime there is a little sun, people are walking all over the place.

August 3, 2012


I  used Photoshop for this assignment for the first time in a very long time. I found typography in nature and elements around my house and work to spell out the name of an animal. I really enjoyed this because it gave me a chance to look around for letters :)

Let me know what you think!

August 2, 2012

Traditional Vs. Deconstructive Typography

I think most of this work speaks for itself. It was a group project with 3 other classmates so I hid their names on the cover page and only put my pen name. I designed the cover page for a fictional booklet about contrast in typography.

We had to play with text styles and borrow articles to create two layouts, but this time for the inside of a booklet. One layout had to be traditional and the other deconstructive, which simply means that it does not follow the rules of typography. I didn't do my second one in the form of an article, but I really like the direction it was taking.

Let me know what you think!

August 1, 2012

Article Cover - Marine Life

This project from my Typography Design class looks deceptively easy. The requirements were to read an article about anything relating to science, and to then create an article cover page for it (or pages in my case). We were not to create our own drawings, so I did some web searches for images and articles.

I designed a double-page layout with a full bleed image. The only information I added was the footer with page numbers, and the article title. The text paragraph is pulled from an article in The Guardian online and the photo from a blog called Tangledwing. I named my fictional magazine Science for this project, and had to follow guidelines from our class lecture for paragraph sizes etc. I used Adobe Illustrator (my current favorite!!).

Let me know what you think!