"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

September 24, 2012

Logo Design

I created two logo samples for an imaginary company called Thermoline. Their product is a clothing liner that serves to insulate the body from heat in the summer and cold in the winter. It is light, airy and reusable. I used Adobe Illustrator for the design of the typeface for both options.

This third one is the final image I submitted for a grade after suggestions and comments from the instructor and classmates :)

September 23, 2012

Creative Ideas Magazine (Final)

Project completed for the mini-magazine I created for Graphic Design I.

I like how it turned out because it took more shape and I was able to get a little more depth. I found ways to turn the pages into a unit by using repetitive elements in the footer, the colors, and a lot of the typeface. Thanks to all the bright minds in my group and my class for their suggestions, I made some edits to the previous work (artistry spread).

I could still use more feedback to improve, so don't hesitate to let me know what you think :)

September 6, 2012

Artistry Article

This is a two-page spread assignment for Graphic Design I in continuation to the magazine cover assignment for Creative Ideas.

I found a really great image on Best Wallpaper's website and used it as the background for my article. Then, I found an article on Harper's Bazaar website about hair trends and used that as filler. Everything except for the word "Artistry" and the footer comes from that HB article online (which I referenced when I turned in my assignment).

I really love this and I'm really glad I got another assignment where I could create a spread. It's a lot of fun once you know what to look for. The one part I am not so sure was successful, was the text color. I couldn't use black on the far left column because it would have been really hard to read. I am not sure if it works well enough with the change in colors, but the assignment was in fact about using contrast and elements that would impact the viewer. I also played with contrast when I created the footer with the page numbers, article name, edition date etc. On the right page, I split the typeface's colors to contrast against the woman's skin.

I think it works but let me know what you think :)

September 1, 2012

Creative Ideas Magazine

This is a magazine cover for Creative Ideas including logo for my Graphic Design I class. The project will span over the next few weeks of class so I may improve on this down the line, but I used an image from HGTV.com of Danielle Colding just to show how the layout text would work.

In the upcoming weeks, I will create articles to add to this magazine, and I think we will also have a group assignment where we need to do several pages, so be on the look out for those ;)