"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

July 2, 2012

8th Grade Science Book

This project was a ton of fun, which I haven't had in class in a long time! The goal was to simulate parts of a chapter from a 7th or 8th grade class science textbook. We had to include a cover and reference page, and use some text from the Internet relating to our subject.

First, we had to create 3 illustrations that we would later add to our final product. I chose Meteorology as my subject and broke it down to the titles you see at the top of each page. I used Adobe Illustrator (for the first time) to create 10 sketches about 4 weeks ago. From those, I picked the best 3 and embellished them with color and text; they are the images on the middle pages. I also used some effects to make the drawings three-dimensional in the case of the sun and planet.

Then, we had to use any text from the Internet that had to do with our images, so it would show the layout. Finally, we had to create a cover page for the textbook and a reference page, and also include a footer on each page. I am very happy with the final result!

A special shout out goes to my nephew B. for helping me find information from his 6th grade textbook as inspiration :)

Let me know what you think :)

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