"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

December 10, 2012

McLaren 2012

Illustration I - Drawing from an Image, part II.

Original Image: Article in The Columbus Dispatch
                       Auto Review: Supercars |Three supercars deliver fun at 200-plus mph

For the final for this class, we combined everything we learned about drawing with Illustrator, using the pen tool especially, and adding the gradient and mesh tools for 3-D effect. Also, using global colors (which I may have forgotten to do throughout, but used most).

I had a lot more fun with this one and it took less time than The Potted Plant because I had a better idea of what I was doing. The toughest was knowing where to start, and whether to draw the car in segments or draw the whole outline and add the detail. I opted for the latter and I don't know whether it made a difference in the end, but I am very happy with the result.

I was showing my husband (a super-car mega fan) my progress and at first, he was just nodding and saying "nice"; when I started adding details and mesh for the shine effect, he had a big smile on his face and the "nice" became "NIIIIIIIIICE!" haha :). It's great to have a fan club. Hope you guys like it too!

Here is the final product :)

The Potted Plant

Illustrator I - Drawing from an image

This one was difficult at first because I was (am) still learning about the pen tool on Illustrator. I had to use only that tool for the entire image, which is not as easy as it looks when you have never used it ;p. Once I got the hang of it though, it went pretty smoothly toward the end. I found the image of a potted plant online.

I'm pretty stoked about what more I can do with this skill =)