"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament". ~Oscar Wilde.

November 17, 2012

One Point Perspective

I've used Illustrator before to draw and it's not easy but I'm sloooowly getting better at it, haha! This assignment required us to only use basic shapes and try to create depth using one-point perspective. I am still learning how to use each tool separately, so I have ways to go yet.

I think after I've learned and mastered them, I will probably try to draw this again and do a "before & after" to see my progress. This class definitely taught me patience and was very good for practice :)

November 13, 2012

Figure Charcoal

This is a drawing from a life drawing class, working on shades and shadows. It was a very quick one, and I have the most fun with these because charcoal is my favorite medium :)

November 11, 2012

Music Lessons

Web Design I

Redesign 7 pages from a website that relates to music.

Original Website: Tampa Music Lessons

For this project, I chose to drastically change the color scheme of the site starting with its background. I wanted the colors to jump at the viewer and pop, because that is the effect music has on me. It has impact. I used Illustrator to create a basic layout for the site, that would help the navigation.

What I found that caused some difficulty on the original website was that the homepage was very long, and you had to scroll for a long time to find more information. I condensed everything into a one page view with several links, using brighter colors for easier navigation. I added a left vertical navigation for secondary information. It does not show in these images, but the hierarchy includes three levels at the most. This assignment may even be my one and only attempt at web design because writing code is not for me!! Haha :) Still, I did what I could.

Let me know what you think!